Sorry, but I some how ran out of time for... well blogging and honestly reading a lot of blogs (sorry guys!) I have accomplished a TON since the last time I posted... lets see friends are getting married, I got married, and my free time vanished! go figure... Well now that I am back hopefully I can keep with it this time... I have a lot of crafts to post about! A lot of them were for my wedding, you know me craft crazed it was mostly hand made which makes it all the more special! On a side note my mom has started a cute little business called Nanny Blooms so go over and check her out!!!! She is selling the most darling flower felt and button pins and hair clips. She was inspired by my wedding bouquets, go check her out she will tell you all about it!!!
Hopefully Ill be back soon!!
Where to find my Stuff!
3 months ago